YouGetSignal.com is a collection of network tools that I started working on in late September of 2007. The name of the site, YouGetSignal, is a nerdy play on a line of broken English from the infamous "All your base are belong to us" cut scene. YouGetSignal originally started as an effort of mine to learn the latest web development techniques. Consequently, the site employs several technologies to function, including:
- Cascading style sheets (CSS)
- Asynchronous javascript and XML (AJAX) requests
- JavaScript object notation (JSON) responses
- An open source relational database management system (MySQL)
- A server-side cross-platform HTML embedded scripting language (PHP)
- The script.aculo.us and Prototype JavaScript libraries
- The Google Maps API
Ultimately, my goal with YouGetSignal is to contribute a set of useful tools to the global Internet community.

I am currently a student studying Information Systems at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. I have always had a fascination for technology. I find it remarkable that we have such easy access to tools that allow us to send information around the globe in less than a second! As a web developer, I feel fortunate to benefit from the work of the thousands of engineers and programmers who have created the technology that I use every day.
Thanks for your visit to my site! If you would like to contact me, please send an e-mail to kirk at this domain dot com.
- Kirk Ouimet

All of the utilties on YouGetSignal.com are available to you for free. I would be ecstatic if you would like to make a monetary contribution to the site! Any funds I receive will be used to pay for my web hosting bill, my course textbooks, and other school expenses. Donating is easy, I've setup an account with PayPal, so all you need to do to contribute is click the link below.

Popular Science: http://www.popsci.com/content/trace-your-route
Deseret News: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705290980,00.html
Front Page of Digg.com: http://digg.com/security/Cool_Webmaster_Tool_What_Websites_are_Hosted_on_this_IP

Thanks to all who have donated:
James (Galen) Hussey, Georgia Tech